This project began when I had ran out of music to workout to. Before I headed out for my workout, I would spend 5-10 minute creating a playlist of music to workout to. Clearly I had preferences on what worked for me and what did not. This is when I started to analytically breakdown what makes for a good workout music. I think that a good workout mix needs to not change a lot but change just enough. A Genius Conclusion if I may say so.
Besides these there are some pragmatic requirements.
I started with trying to come up with a generative algorithmic process to create this music. While I was trying to come up with rules for this type of music to encode in my algorithm, I began trying out new ideas frequently in a live coding music environment called Tidal Cycles. What I eventually learnt was that instead of coming up with ONE generative system, the process of coming up with this music was much more fun and natural to creating workout music.
d1 $ stack [
n "<c4'maj7(3,8,<2,2,4,4>)!3 a3'maj9(5,8,<2,4>)>" # s "supercomparator" # room 0.8 # sz 0.2 # gain (sine+0.4) # voice 0.8 # decay 0.2 # legato 1
, "tsukick:2(3,16,<0,2,6,10>)" # n (irand 2) # cut 382 # gain 1.2
, "[tsuho:6(9,16,<2,4,5>), tsuhc:9(4,16,1)]" # pan (sine+0.2)
, struct "t(4,8)" $ scale "lydian" "0 1 3 4 5 6" # s "superhammond" # silence
let melody4 a b c d = cat [(scale "lydian" a),(scale "lydian" b),(scale "lydian" c),(scale "lydian" d)]
let bl4 key a b c d = cat [(scale "lydian" a |-| 24 |+| key),(scale "lydian" b |-| 24 |+| key),(scale "lydian" c |-| 24 |+| key),(scale "lydian" d |-| 24 |+| key)]
let melody8 a b c d e f g h = cat [(scale "major" a),(scale "major" b),(scale "major" c),(scale "major" d),(scale "major" e),(scale "major" f),(scale "major" g),(scale "major" h)]
let catMelody melodyA melodyB = cat [melodyA, melodyB]
d1 $ jux rev $ chunk 4 (fast 2 . (|- n 12)) $ off 0.25 (|+ 7) $ struct (iter 4 "t(3,8)")
$ arp "<up down>" $ n "<d3'm9'8 g3'dom13>"
# sound "superpiano"
# gain 0.8
d2 $ n "<d3'min'7 g3'dom7>"
# sound "superpiano"
# gain 0.7
# attack 0.3
# sustain 2
# room 0.9
# sz 0.9
# pan sine
# legato 0.4
# speed (sine + 0.5)
d3 "[gabba(2,9,<0,4>), [~ sd], hh(5,8,<1,2>), hc(3,8,2)]"
$ n ("{<g(3,8)!3 f(4,8,2)>}%<2 2 6 <4 <2 6>>>")
# s "defaultB"
# gain 1.4
# silence
let pat = "{<g3(<3 4>,8) <a3 as3 d3 f3>(2,4,2)>}%<1 2 4 8>"
$ n (pat |- 12)
# s "subBass1"
# gain (1+cosine)
$ n (pat |- 24)
# s "subBass1"
# gain (1+sine)
$ n (pat |+ 24)
# s "defaultB"
# gain 1.4
let bassPat = struct "t(<5!3 6 5 7 7 8>,16,<0 2 4>)" $ choose [0, 3, 5, 7] + 5
let leadPat = struct "t(<5!3 6 7 7 7 8>,16,<1 2 3>)" $ wchoose [(0, 1), (3, 0.75), (5, 0.75), (6, 0.125), (7, 0.5)] + 5
$ n (bassPat |- 12)
# s "subBass1"
# pan tri
# gain 0.8
$ n (bassPat |- 24)
# s "subBass1"
# pan tri
# gain 0.8
$ n (bassPat |- 24)
# s "defaultB"
# gain 1.6
# room 0.2
# sz 0.6
# pan tri
d3 $ s "<[tsukick:1 tsusnare:14]!7 [tsukick:1 tsusnare:14(5,8)]>" # gain 1.8
d6 $ n "<f3'maj7'ii(1,2)!7 as3'maj9(2,3)>" # s "supercomparator" # legato 0.4 # gain 0.7 # room 0.5 # sz 0.2
d4 $ fast 2 $ s "<[tsuho(6,8), tsuhc:3(3,8)]!7 [tsuho(7,8), tsuhc:4(6,8,1)]>" # gain 1.2 # legato 0.2 # pan cosine
$ every 12 (jux rev)
$ whenmod 9 7 (fast 2)
$ every 7 (|+ 12)
$ leadPat
# s "supercomparator"
# gain 0.9
# room 0.2
# sz 0.6
Sample credits go to Emma Chamberlain
$ every "<2 4 2 4>" ((scramble 8).(ply 3).(degradeBy 0.2))
$ stack [
slow 2 $ striate 128 "food:1" # gain 1.2